Gulcin Yildirim Jelinek organized the Prague PostgreSQL Meetup, February Edition. Belma Canik and Pavlo Golub spoke. Slides are available here. The meetup event and the LinkedIn event have more details.
Sergey Dudoladov and Andreas Scherbaum organized the PostgreSQL Berlin February Meetup. Bruce Momjian, Kaarel Moppel, Priyanka Chatterjee and Alexey Kondratov presented a talk, Oleksandr Schulgin and Felix Kunde presented a Lightning Talk. Bettina Kinne, Matthias Adler, Michael Dienel and L…
Organizing Committee FOSDEM PGDay and the PostgreSQL dev room at FOSDEM:
Talk Selection Committee FOSDEM PGDay and the PostgreSQL dev room at FOSDEM:
Other volunteers for FOSDEM PGDay and the PostgreSQL dev room:
PGDay CERN 2025 was held on January 17, 2025 at CERN, Genève, Switzerland
List of contributions:
Catching up with the last weeks of 2024, and entering into 2025, these are the last contributions we were able to know about:
Emma Saroyan created the Armenia PUG and organized their first Meetup. Elizabeth Christensen and Valeria Kaplan helped organizing it. Bruce Momjian was the speaker, Christine Momjian took pictures. Video & Pictures
Josef Machytka spoke at the "Postgres MeetUp for All", and wrote a blog post about it. Elizabeth Garrett Christensen organized and ran the Meetup.
Federico Campoli and Vik Fearing organised PGDay/MED 2025 in Naples, Italy. Speakers presented Gabriele Quaresima, Ryan Booz, Gianluca Padovani, Patrick Lauer, Stefanie Janine Stölting, Fabiana Farias, Pavlo Golub, Devrim Gündüz.
Rushabh Lathia was interviewed as “PostgreSQL Person of the Week”
Markus Winand updated the website, it now includes all the PostgreSQL v17 features.
Gulcin Yildirim Jelinek organized the Prague November Meetup. Tudor Golubenco and Noémi Ványi spoke. Slides are available here. Gulcin also wrote a blog posting about the event.
Five PostgreSQL contributors completed this 20th year of Google Summer Of Code:
PGConf.Brazil 2024 was held in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, on November 7th-8th. It was organized by:
The Call for Papers committee was formed by:
On 6th of November, the Copenhagen PostgreSQL User Group held a meetup where Luigi Nardi presented DBTune.
PGConf.EU 2024, held in Athens from October 22-25, was the biggest PostgreSQL event in the world yet! It was organized by:
The Call for Papers Committee for PGConf.EU 2024:
The Code of Conduct Committee for PGConf.EU 2024:
The fol…
Floor Drees and Andreas Scherbaum took the stage during the PGConf.EU lightning talks to present and the PostgreSQL Event Calendar!
Slides are here.
Sarah Conway organized a great community outreach campaign for Timescale's State of PostgreSQL survey for 2024, promoted by community partners:
Chaired by Karen Jex, the PGConf.EU Program Committee (Afsane Anand, Andreas Karlsson, Derk van Veen, Gülçin Yıldırım Jelínek, and Stefan Fercot) published the schedule for the 2024 conference.
Chris Ellis has revamped the PGConf.EU 2024 website and schedule with numerous look and feel, usability and accessibility fixes.
The CloudNativePG community has released the first Release Candidate of CloudNat…
PostgreSQL in Google Summer of Code:
Jimmy Angelakos released version 0.7 of extension pg_statviz with new features.
Gülçin Yıldırım Jelinek is organizing DivaConf in Turkey.
The PGDay.UK team (Dirk Krautschick, Divya Sharma, Greg Clough, Chris Ellis published the schedule for the 2024 conference.
David Wheeler introduced The PGXN RFC Book.
Welcome to, a new website by members of the PostgreSQL community, highlighting contributions to the project by the amazing people standing behind it.
Many contributions to and for the PostgreSQL Project happen outside of writing code. This was the topic of the Increase Community Participation session at 2024.
The list above is likely not complete. If you spot something which is worth noticing, please contact us, either by email or on Telegram in the PostgreSQL So…